United States Senator Herb Kohl : Wisconsin

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The Senate Judiciary Committee, which has oversight over the Justice Department, oversees such issues as drug and crime enforcement, anti-terrorism efforts, antitrust, and Constitutional issues. Additionally, the Committee reviews all judicial appointments. Senator Kohl has worked on the Committee to strengthen crime prevention programs, protect consumers from anti-competitive behavior, and to confirm federal judges who meet the highest standards, both personally and professionally.

  • The Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights oversees and helps to create laws that directly affect consumers. From corporate mergers and satellite cable to hospital group purchasing and media ownership, this subcommittee has worked to protect consumers from corporations who do not always hold the interests of the American people.

    As the Ranking Member of this subcommittee, I am concerned with media consolidation and the effects that these mergers will have on public debate. Although it is the Federal Communications Commission that enforces the rules and regulations of media and broadcast, it will be the antitrust agencies that will serve as the last line of defense against excessive media concentration. The diversity of information available to the American people is my first concern and I will continue to monitor these regulations.

    Another issue that this subcommittee has focused its attention is the current use of Hospital Group Purchasing Organizations, in healthcare facilities. I am concerned that these group purchasing organizations reduce market competition and inhibit the ability for physicians to make the decisions that can give patients the best possible treatment. By purchasing supplies and equipment through single organizations, the drive for competitive prices and technological advances is impaired. This subcommittee has already held hearings on this issue which has led to codes of conduct from the two largest GPOs in America that address specific ethical problems. I will continue to monitor the activities of group purchasing organizations to ensure that the interests of the American people are best served.

  • The Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Corrections, and Victims' Rights, of which I am a member, creates and regulates the laws that aid in crime and drug prevention. The Subcommittee also performs the task of overseeing numerous federal agencies, including the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

    By creating crime prevention programs that focus on America's youth, it is the hope of the subcommittee to target troubled children at an early stage and provide the necessary guidance to eliminate future problems. I helped to create the "Title V Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Block Grant Program," which supplies funds to communities to establish advisory boards that focus on juvenile crimes and delinquencies. The program also focuses on such juvenile related issues as gangs, guns, school truancy and violence, and drug enforcement and prevention. Title V, which was recently reauthorized, has been lauded as a successful crime prevention program.

    I have also worked on this subcommittee to establish programs that educate the public on the negative effects of such illegal drugs as Methamphetamine and Ecstasy. The subcommittee has also established funding for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program, which combines the efforts of local law enforcement with state and federal agencies to identify and assess regional drug threats and areas with high drug activities.

  • As a member the Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security Subcommittee, it is our responsibility to regulate and create laws that affect the access and the methods used to transfer information between government organizations. This is done to increase the efficiency of information gathering. Through this process we are also helping to improve the investigative processes that are currently used to eliminate potential terrorist activities.

    Following the events of September 11, the committee felt it was necessary to increase the effectiveness used between local law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies on a federal level. By supporting the "USA-Patriot Act" the committee was able to bridge the information gained from different law enforcement agencies to help limit the chances of overlooking a suspect due to lack of information. This act decreased the number of holes in America's security and linked agencies together to create a system that worked off of each other to achieve the same goal.

    I am aware that with increased security and new information gathering techniques, there is a general public concern that there will be a loss in civil liberties and many feel that personal privacy will be infringed upon. As a member of the this committee I will work hard with my colleagues to monitor these activities, in order to ensure that civil liberties are protected while keeping America safe.